Posts Tagged ‘Lincoln Day Dinner’

Andy Martin “follows the flag” at the Winnebago County Republican Party Lincoln Day Dinner

January 19, 2010

U. S. Senate candidate Andy Martin “speaks from the heart” about his memories of young Americans on military duty who serve us. Martin delivers his remarks at the Winnebago County Republican Party Lincoln Day Dinner. Martin announces he will be dropping a “Bunker Buster” on Patrick Hughes January 18th, while his new anti-Mark Kirk “Bunker Buster” advertising begins airing statewide.

U. S. Senate candidate Andy Martin delivers a stirring patriotic message at the Winnebago County (Rockford) Lincoln Day Dinner

Martin says that his next “Bunker Buster” will land on “pretender candidate” Patrick Hughes

Martin’s new anti-Kirk ads also begin airing statewide on Monday

“The Name You Can Trust”
Republican for U. S. Senator

30 E. Huron Street, Suite 4406
Chicago, IL 60611-4723
(866) 706-2639



Andy Martin’s “Bunker Buster” assembly line is planning to drop a Bunker Buster on Patrick Hughes Monday afternoon, January 18th

Martin delivered a stirring patriotic message to Winnebago County Republicans Friday evening

Andy Martin compares Mark Kirk’s “fighting wars” to Hillary Clinton’s “being under fire” in Bosnia

Martin renews his demand that Mark Kirk release all of his military records since becoming a congressman

(CHICAGO)(January 16, 2010) Republican U. S. Senate candidate and insurgent “Internet Powerhouse” Andy Martin will hold a Chicago news conference Monday, January 18th to drop a “Bunker Buster” on Patrick Hughes. “I hear complaints that I only drop Bunker Busters on Mark Kirk. Well, we do not discriminate. We go where the evidence takes us. Mr. Hughes is next. Stay tuned for details.”

Friday evening Martin delivered stirring patriotic remarks at the Winnebago County Republican Party Lincoln Day Dinner.

“The program did not call for speeches,” Martin says. “I was caught completely by surprise when I was asked to be the first speaker at the Lincoln Day Dinner. And so I spoke from the heart. I spoke of ‘following our flag’ around the world, of my memories of brave young men and women in uniform who stand guard for us.

“I spoke of seeing our flag when I lived in Iraq (2003), and when I was in Asia (1967-1971), and Southwest Asia (1979-80). I spoke of my enduring love for the proud young Americans whose lives are engraved on my memory.

“Unlike Mark Kirk, who is a military imposter with an imaginary record of ‘fighting’ in wars where he was never in harm’s way, I have never been on active military duty. But I have been in combat. I have seen men die. Unlike Mr. Kirk, who was never at risk, except in his own vivid imagination, I have dodged bullets, mortars, rockets and more.

“But I have never confused my efforts to get at the truth or to serve my country with the work being done by the American men and women who were doing the fighting. The ones who ‘humped’ the weapons across rice paddies and deserts. The ones who did the real fighting. I am no hero. But I know who our real heroes are. And Mark Kirk is not one of them,” Martin says.

“Mark Kirk ‘dodged fire’ the same way Hillary Clinton ‘came under fire’ in Bosnia. Mark Kirk is as much of a ‘fighter’ as Clinton.

“I have challenged Kirk to release all of his military records since becoming a congressman. He has refused to do so. I have offered media a FOIA release for any of the government’s files on me, some of which may not yet have been declassified. I have no secrets to hide. Kirk does.”

“Mark Kirk does hold a reserve commission. But he uses that commission as a political prop, not as part of genuine service to our nation. Let’s see your military records, Mark. I have opened my files. Why won’t you open yours? What are you hiding?”

While Martin is holding a Bunker Buster news conference on Patrick Hughes, Martin’s “Bunker Buster” advertising challenging Kirk’s misleading and exaggerated military claims also begins airing statewide on the 18th. The Martin campaign continues to ramp up as voters approach Election Day, February 2d.

Andy Martin holds an Honorable Discharge from the United States Air Force Reserves. He did not serve on active duty.

Andy Martin is a legendary Chicago muckraker, author, Internet columnist, radio talk show host, broadcaster and media critic. He has over forty years of broadcasting background in radio and television and is the dean of Illinois media and communications. He is currently promoting his best-selling book, Obama: The Man Behind The Mask and producing the new Internet movie “Obama: The Hawai’i years.” Andy is the Executive Editor and publisher of

Martin comments on regional, national and world events with more than four decades of experience. He holds a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Illinois College of Law and is a former adjunct professor of law at the City University of New York.


Andy’s columns are also posted at;
[NOTE: We try to correct any typographical errors in this story on our blogs; find our latest edition there.]

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